Sunday, September 11, 2016

Coding a Blockchain application for healthcare information exchange

Let’s take some sample code from the BlueMix site which was reposited on Github:
And see if we can hack it into a healthcare information update chain. Daunting.

I believe this is js.Node . I've never done js.Node before.

In this example, I am simply coding the information into a variable that I trade into the blockchain.
So, I supposed that if we all agree on code standards (say HL7, C-CDA standards) then all we have to do is get the data in and out using C-CDA standards.


We can just look at the beginning of this code and see that it will not help me with my goal.  It is informative though.
This code trades quantities of only one asset.  It subtracts a qty from entity A and gives it to entity B , verifies the transaction, and closes the ledger state for these entitites.

What I want to do is trade information. I want to add information to entity B (the patient) and credit entity A (the practice) for providing the information. (or maybe in "debiting" Practice A, I'm noting for the practice that it submitted the information)

The code referenced above is strictly for an integer subtraction from one entity and addition to another entity.

I'll search for another code example so that maybe I'll have a better starting place for modeling healthcare information exchange in the Blockchain universe.

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